Join A Committee


UEA has many active committees for those who want to become more involved
in the work of the Association. Sign-up now to join a committee.

Membership is open to all employees of Shelby County Schools, such as teachers and teacher-types like counselors and librarians, administrators, education support professionals like teacher assistants, office staff and Central Office employees, and even substitute teachers.

Membership Committee shall organize and oversee the following activities activity areas.

  • Membership recruitment and retention – to organize, coordinate, and conduct a continuing program for unified membership enrollment; to inform members of the policies, programs, services, and accomplishments of the United Education Profession at all levels; and to provide a contact in connection with dues, problems or questions concerning membership status of members.
  • Orientation – to develop and conduct programs for the orientation of new teachers to the community, the school system, and the Association.
  • Develop a local discount buying program; coordinate and help publicize TEA and NEA Members Benefits Programs.

Advocacy Committee shall explore and prepare action programs as necessary in all areas of teacher welfare with responsibility for salaries, leave provisions, fringe benefits, insurance, credit and investment facilities, and general working conditions.

Communications/Public Relations Committee shall seek to develop public understanding of the purposes and programs of the Association, the values and importance of education, and, in cooperation with the administration, the educational philosophy and programs of the schools. It shall develop procedures by which the Association can work cooperatively with parents and the public in civic, fraternal, and social organizations, and through all available channels of communications.

It shall seek to provide for effective internal and external communications programs, including negotiations activities. The committee on Communications/Public Relations shall organize and oversee the following areas of work:
i. News Media
ii. Newsletter
iii. American Education Week
iv. School Bell Awards
v. Liaisons with other community groups
vi. Speakers’ Bureau
vii. Yearbook
viii. Others

Instruction and Professional Development Committee (IPD) shall explore and develop action programs to raise and maintain standards for certification, employment, and assignment; to improve opportunities for pre-service, continuing, and in-service professional education; and to create and maintain rapport between the Association and neighboring or closely related institutions of higher education.

It shall exercise professional concern in programs involving student teachers or relating to the concept of professional autonomy.

It shall plan and coordinate programs for the general membership meetings of the Association.

It shall work closely with the local negotiating committee in formulating and promoting activities related to improved instruction and professional development.

Human Relations Committee shall develop positive programs and activities and utilize the talents and abilities of the membership to promote an atmosphere of cooperative understanding of the dignity and worth of each individual and to improve human relations for all.
Constitution and Bylaws Committee shall promote and maintain an awareness of and stress adherence to the Constitution and Bylaws and shall be responsible for proposing, explaining, and promoting any necessary amendments to make the document more workable in the local Association.

Elections Committee shall:

  1. Manage the conduct of the TEA/NEA delegate election, all special elections and the annual general election which shall be held in April;
  2. Provide for voting by secret ballot;
  3. Develop election procedures and present the procedures for approval by the United Education Association Board of Directors and the Representative Assembly;
  4. Set filing dates for candidates and sanction the qualifications of each;
    Provide procedures and dates of the annual election at least thirty days prior to the date set for said election:
  5. Provide necessary information on election procedures, the position to be voted on and the qualifications necessary to run for an elected office;
  6. Provide ballots for all elections or provide for electronic voting.
    Carry out such other duties related to elections as may be assigned to it by the RA.
  7. In an election for President, Vice President, Secretary, or Treasurer if there is only one (1) candidate for the position, the Chair shall declare such candidate elected.

Minority Affairs Committee shall promote respect and understanding of minority and ethnic groups and their involvement in Association activities. The Committee shall plan and implement programs that promote:

  1. Minority leadership training
  2. Minority student achievement
  3. Respect of minority and ethnic cultural differences
  4. The recruitment of minority members to participate in NEA RA and other Association governance activities
  5. Policies related to issues of concern to minorities and ethnic groups by recommending policy to the Associations Board of Directors
  6. Recruitment of minorities and ethnic groups into the teaching profession
Parent-Community Engagement Committee

Parent-Community Engagement Committee shall engage the Shelby County School District’s community through intentional outreach efforts intended to increase public involvement, support, awareness and knowledge with United Education Association and public education. The Committee shall plan and implement programs that promote:

  1. Involve stakeholders in the Board decision-making and strategic planning process.
  2. Communicate, dialogue and interact with community members to identify critical issues/concerns on topics of importance.
  3. Define underdeveloped relationships, such as: minority, business and faith based communities, students, and alumni.
  4. Recruit and enlist the participation of a diverse group of people.
  5. Host and facilitate community meetings, town hall forums and workshops.
  6. Create a plan for community engagement based on issues/concerns.
  7. Empower the community with resources, information and opportunities related to education and SCS District.

Join A Committee Form